We have been acclimating to life in Zambia this past week and a half. It honestly feels as if we have been here about a month, in a good way! We really love it, the people are wonderful. We have national registration cards and Mark has his driver's license (he had to take a driving test to get it!) and I still need to take mine, but I am waiting to attempt this until I get a little more practice driving stick shift 4x4 trucks first.

We are off as of tomorrow to what is called 40/40- an incredible training that lasts 30 days (used to be 40, thus the name) and takes place in a variety of locations:
12 days in Lusaka, learning our way around a big city
12 days in the bush, learning how to live in a tent without amenities
3 days in a Zambian home with a Zambian family
3 days of R&R
and this brings us up to November 22nd, at which time we will return to the mission house in Lusaka for a few days before our next adventure, a country wide prayer retreat.
We will not be able to communicate by phone or email while we are at this training, so don't think we are ignoring you if you email us.
Please pray for:
learning attitudes as we encounter culture in a whole new way!
good health
and for the journeygal, Mary, who is watching the 2 yr olds- she will have her hands full with our bunch! :)
12 days in Lusaka, learning our way around a big city
12 days in the bush, learning how to live in a tent without amenities
3 days in a Zambian home with a Zambian family
3 days of R&R
and this brings us up to November 22nd, at which time we will return to the mission house in Lusaka for a few days before our next adventure, a country wide prayer retreat.
We will not be able to communicate by phone or email while we are at this training, so don't think we are ignoring you if you email us.
Please pray for:
learning attitudes as we encounter culture in a whole new way!
good health
and for the journeygal, Mary, who is watching the 2 yr olds- she will have her hands full with our bunch! :)