On our way back to Sesheke we stopped off in Lobatse, Botswana to see our friends the Turners. While there I had the opportunity to go hunting. It has been 10+ years since I had hunted anything besides fish. We started out at 6 am was hunting by 7 and celebrating by 8am. When we arrived on sight we spotted an impala in the distance. Staying downwind we were able to come around up to its position to find that he had moved on. However, we did see a kudu that was lined up perfect for a shot, but we were hunting impala.

We continued walking in the same direction and came up on a group of male impalas. As we approached them I thought it was not going to turn out so good with all the snorting they were doing. However, I was able to get a shot on the bully of the group and took it. His horns measured at 21.75”.

Thank you Robert for taking me to your spot and everything else you did to insure I would be able to take an impala.
Brent, this blog is for you. May it reach all the way to your expectations.