Saturday, June 26, 2010


This is Boyd, a brand new believer that the volunteers met and got to pray with to ask Jesus to be His Savior...he is already living his faith and sharing the story of how Jesus has changed his life with others...he took the volunteers to a remote compound/neighborhood, about a 40 minute walk from our house, that is a former colony of people who have leprosy. There are a variety of people who live there now. Many people here have said they want to follow Jesus, so now we are trying to go every week to meet with people for discipleship.

Boyd could really use your prayers right now. He has been accepted to college and was hoping for support from an extended family member, however this evening he got news that this support will not be possible and if he wants to attend college he will have to save the money himself. There are no loans here and people must pay the entire tuition up front. Please pray that God will encourage his spirit and show him that He still has marvelous plans for Boyd's life. Pray that Boyd will listen to the Lord for what to do next.

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day! Here are Mark and Madylanne, smiling after a Father's Day breakfast of pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon. mmm!

Mail call!

We are grinning from ear to ear, we have mail! Thank the Lord for this blessing!! We had a ball opening it all and feeling all the love from home!! Thank you everyone!! We love you too!!


These pics are for all you Madylanne fans out there, ok, that's family and a few friends. :) Here she is in her tent made from blankets, and also all wrapped up in her sleeping bag to keep warm!
She is "skyping" on her "computer" that she has made out of 2 puzzle boxes.
And she is proudly displaying her braids, she asked me to braid her hair so I did!
At the bottom she is just looking happy and cute. We're a bit biased around here.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Abbi and Nala

To the left is Dominic, Dominic Jr., Teresa, Rita and Madylanne. Dominic and Teresa help us everyday and we thank God for them! Dominic helps in the yard and doing whatever needs done, and Teresa helps us with language and also translating for us when we make our visits. Madylanne loves to play with Rita and Dominic Jr.

Below are the new puppies! They are Abbi and Nala, named by Madylanne and our neighbor. They are fun and oh so energetic. And goodbye flower garden! ha

Finger painting is so fun!!!

Volunteer Team and the Good News

Welcome to Sesheke, Tabernacle Baptist Church from Cartersville, Georgia! God through you all did BIG things last week...many have decided to follow Christ and now follow up Bible studies and discipleship begins...God is so good!
The man below is Zane Bruce. (happy birthday Zane!) He's in college right now, and praying about coming back to serve as a 2 year Journeyman in Sesheke. Isn't that awesome!

These are some of the volunteers and a new believer, Joseph, who is the chef at a restaurant here in town. Brona hasn't decided to follow Jesus yet but we are praying for her.
The bottom picture shows the team prayer walking through town on their very first day here. They attracted a crowd!

Happy Mother's Day

Here I am, smiling with my beautiful Madylanne, and enjoying my French Toast and omelette made by my wonderful husband.

Thanks for making breakfast, Mark!
My helper in the kitchen :)

Madylanne's 3rd birthday

This funfetti icing is yummy! Thanks Aunt Sarah and Uncle David!

Way to spend your 3rd birthday, Madylanne...a river boat ride with hippos!

Happy 3rd Birthday Madylanne!