We were blessed beyond measure by the team of 21 volunteers who came to Sesheke July 3-14 with International World Changers. Most of them were from Adamsville Baptist Church, in Adamsville, North Carolina, while a few others were from GA and AL. Every morning they divided into 3 smaller teams at the church plot- one for evangelism, one for working on the grounds/church storage structure, and one for playing and loving on neighborhood kids. And then in the afternoons they divided up again and some headed to the high school while others headed to the basic school to give presentations in individual classrooms about HIV/AIDS and how students can abstain from sex until marriage through commiting their lives to Jesus. Only with His help can we do this! These volunteers are living testimonies to the truth of this...they shared how Jesus was helping them go against their own culture in America to wait until they are married to have sex. This honors God and the body He has given us. I am so proud of them for being so bold to share this!!
In the evenings everyone would gather back at the lodge to eat Zambian food and worship together. We were SO incredibly blessed to get to spend time with them each day and minister along side them. They were flexible (very important here!) and I didn't ever hear anyone complaining!
They were always willing to share their testimony on the spot and do anything and everything to be helpful. They even loved on Madylanne and Matthew too...and the kids ate it up. Two afternoons one sweet volunteer watched Matthew so he could get his normal afternoon nap and played with Madylanne while Melynda and other team members were at the basic school sharing Jesus with kids.
We thank God for each one of you and the special way God used each of you to minister to the Lozi people AND our family. We love you!!
In the next few blogs you'll see all the amazing things God did through this team.