Sunday, August 4, 2019

When your backyard is a sandbox....

We decided to play in the sand a bit today...we made some crumbling sandcastles, an erupting volcano out of baking soda and vinegar, and a race track for Matchbox cars. 

A fruitful life

We are so very blessed to have fruit trees in the yard!! We pray for a big harvest...of yummy sweet fruit of course but most of all, souls in God's Kingdom!!!  :)

Micah is standing in front of our guava tree, which is producing fruit right now- I cut one up to show you what it looks like on the inside. Micah and I are the only ones who like them enough to eat them!!

Matthew is standing in front of our papaya tree, which has fruit on it, as you can see.  

Madylanne is standing in front of our mango's got a few blooms, so we're hoping we might get two or three mangoes in December. 

Our new digs

Here's a shot of our new home. Such a beautiful house! We are so thankful to God for providing such a lovely place to live.