Wednesday, October 30, 2019

family shots

We were at a gathering recently and decided to take some family shots. 

The kids!

                                                                Mark and I 

so serious

Goodness gracious don't these boys look serious? Is this Lord of the Flies or what? Well they posed for this, I'll have you know. They were actually having an amazing time at a gathering we recently attended. They loved their big sticks and tromping through a really lush green (small) forest of sorts. Oh childhood! 
The kiddo standing up at the back is Ethan, a third culture kid from Kansas!! His family serves in the capital city of Lusaka. Our boys love him dearly and cherish every time they get to hang out. 


                                    Here are some pictures of us on our recent travels.                                        This is not usually how I like to sit, but the boys seem pretty
                                                            comfortable. :)
                                                  At least Madylanne is upright. :)