Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Merry CHRISTmas!
Wonderful WMU ladies of Eureka
We thank God for you, WMU women!!
Forever friends
We are SOOOOO thankful Andrea, Justin and Caleb came to visit us last weekend!! Andrea I love you and your sweet family so much! You are a treasure from God!!
whatcha doing now?
These are some of the things we are doing these days....Matthew is learning how to assemble models with his dad......
Happy Birthday, Mark!
We traveled to The Mercantile in Pawhuska, Oklahoma on Mark's birthday. It's just over an hour away from where we are staying in Burden. We love you very much, Mark!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
This is the Lottie Moon display at FSBC Garden City. What a fabulous job they've done showcasing the life of this woman and her commitment to Jesus demonstrated through sharing His love and salvation with so many in China.
The Lottie Moon Christmas offering is named in her honor. In Southern Baptist Churches all over the States you will hear about this offering which is promoted at Christmas. The proceeds of this offering go, in their entirety, straight to the mission field. This one offering makes up more than 60% of the IMB budget for the year.
The goal this year is $175 million. This is the 175th anniversary of the existence of the IMB. We pray ALL NATIONS will hear and have an opportunity to respond to the good news of Jesus Christ!!
You can contribute to this offering through your SBC church or can go directly to the IMB website and give.
Here's a video link if you'd like to see how Lottie Moon dollars are being used to share Jesus in Africa.
Fall celebrations
The kids made cookies with Nana and had cocoa and gingerbread tea. Yummy! Thank you, Nana, for a delicious tea party!
Visiting Oklahoma
I am so so thankful that the Lord gave us a sunny day when the care center was open for visitors that I could visit my grandparents. This was a very special day for me. My Grandpa just turned 96 and my Grandma is turning 93 in a few days. I have a lot of really special memories of visits made to their home in SE Oklahoma during my childhood. My Grandma was a member of the WMU at her church in Hartshorne. The WMU is the Women's Missionary Union. She was a faithful prayer warrior and supporter of missions. Thank you, Grandma, for loving Jesus and prayerfully supporting missions through the years. Thank you for praying for me, Grandma. And Grandpa, it did my heart so much good to laugh with you! It was fun to talk about four wheeler fun and the steadfast love of the Lord with you.
My sister Juli took care of the kids so Mark and I could go see Grandma and Grandpa. Thank you for this gift, Juli! Thank you for a yummy lunch and day spent together!
Special visits
We've been so blessed to have opportunities to see people we cherish! Fellow IMB missionaries who are on their Stateside Assignment in KC drove down to see us.
Thank you for coming to see us, Randy and Kim!
4 Wheelin'
A very kind couple from FBC Burden invited us over for dinner and 4 wheeler rides. Thank you, Mr. Ken and Mrs. Geranne, for such a memorable evening!
Fall fun
There's a gorgeous park in Winfield, the town we shop in, which is about 16 miles from us. We took advantage of this beautiful fall day to have a picnic and play at the park in short sleeves because we knew the weather was about to change. God sure did make autumn so lovely! Look at this tree just declaring His creativity and majesty.
Brrrr Kansas is COLD
We had a small snow storm and lots of ice last week. The kids LOVED having TWO snow days. They slipped and slid all over the church parking lot and in the driveway. This is Kansas in October, folks!
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Church hopping
Sharing at New Life Baptist Church, Independence
I'm sure you've heard the term church hopping...we are visiting many SBC churches these days to reconnect and share all the good things God is doing in people's lives in Zambia.
We're thankful for our sending church, FSBC El Dorado, and for the church allowing us to live in their parsonage, FBC Burden. It blesses us tremendously to worship the Lord with you both. We're thankful to FSBC Garden City for transportation! We're thankful for all SBC churches who give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and the Cooperative Program in their churches which allows us not only to be on mission in Africa but also supported while we are in the US for medical care. Thank you!!
If we haven't hopped to your church yet, be sure to send us an email because we'd love to worship with you and share God's heart for the nations.
Thank You Lord for the gift of family
Special times with family
These are pictures of family shots with Melynda's side.
What are we doing now?
Birthday Boy
We're so thankful that God created Micah! He turned 6 September 29th. We are thankful for his exuberance for life and his easy going attitude and pray that the Holy Spirit will convict him of his sin and need for Jesus as Savior in the year ahead.
School Days
Life in Burden, Kansas
We are settling in here in Burden, Kansas at the house that First Baptist Church Burden has made available to us. It is a lovely home in a wonderful community. We are so blessed to be loved on by this church family!!
and no, we don't have a dog....this is Melynda's mother's pooch Rosie who came to visit with Nana one day. :)