Sharing at New Life Baptist Church, Independence
I'm sure you've heard the term church hopping...we are visiting many SBC churches these days to reconnect and share all the good things God is doing in people's lives in Zambia.
We're thankful for our sending church, FSBC El Dorado, and for the church allowing us to live in their parsonage, FBC Burden. It blesses us tremendously to worship the Lord with you both. We're thankful to FSBC Garden City for transportation! We're thankful for all SBC churches who give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and the Cooperative Program in their churches which allows us not only to be on mission in Africa but also supported while we are in the US for medical care. Thank you!!
If we haven't hopped to your church yet, be sure to send us an email because we'd love to worship with you and share God's heart for the nations.