This is the Lottie Moon display at FSBC Garden City. What a fabulous job they've done showcasing the life of this woman and her commitment to Jesus demonstrated through sharing His love and salvation with so many in China.
The Lottie Moon Christmas offering is named in her honor. In Southern Baptist Churches all over the States you will hear about this offering which is promoted at Christmas. The proceeds of this offering go, in their entirety, straight to the mission field. This one offering makes up more than 60% of the IMB budget for the year.
The goal this year is $175 million. This is the 175th anniversary of the existence of the IMB. We pray ALL NATIONS will hear and have an opportunity to respond to the good news of Jesus Christ!!
You can contribute to this offering through your SBC church or can go directly to the IMB website and give.
Here's a video link if you'd like to see how Lottie Moon dollars are being used to share Jesus in Africa.