Sunday, June 12, 2022

Madylanne is 15

Madylanne brought a friend, Jordan, home with her from school over her mid term break- a three day weekend- that just happened to be her birthday! We are so thankful for the Lord's sweet blessing of being able to spend Madylanne's birthday with her together at home, 
and for the opportunity to meet a special friend. 

You can see her brothers were very glad for some sister time. 

Birthday party! 

 Walking to church in the rain. 

Praising God for 10 years of God's faithfulness to Baptist Mission of Sesheke Church

We are SO excited that Baptist Mission of Sesheke Church in Sesheke, Zambia, celebrated their 10th anniversary last week!! 
Praising God for His faithfulness! 
Pastor Dominik and his wife Tereser and the church are still going strong. 

Clift, who first came with his son and a volunteer team in 2010, has been visiting almost every year since then to offer encouragement and love. 

The picture below is what he posted on FB about his visit to join in the 10th anniversary celebration. 

Our hearts rejoice with them! God is so so good! May He continue blessing this church to reach the town of Sesheke and beyond with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Saturday, June 11, 2022

The Cave of Wonders

Clift stopped by to see us for a few days before he journeyed on to Sesheke. We were so happy to see him! 
We found some new and exciting things to at a restaurant inside a cave, and 
ride some camels!