Wednesday, January 15, 2025

South Africa

~~Welcome 2025~~
We attended a meeting recently in Johannesburg....
it was a time of refueling for everyone spiritually and
you can see we got some other kinds of yummy fuel, too!!  
Micah is holding Krispy Kreme donuts. 
Madylanne and Matthew spent the week at youth camp 
and look at their treat...McDonald's! 
We are so grateful to the IMB and those who give sacrificially 
in order for us to be refilled.
Thank you also to the church from Arizona that 
came and led the times of preaching, worship, 
and Vacation Bible School for the kids. 
Thank You Lord for Your goodness!



What a blessing from God 
to be involved in the Nativity performance 
which was a collaborative effort 
of a local restaurant, 
the boys' school, 
and a local church.

 We thank God for the amazing opportunity 
to share the good news of Jesus with our community!!

the end of 2024


December was filled with lots and lots of things, mostly wonderful....

Happy 50th birthday, Mark!
We love you!

Mike is shaking the hand of a client who successfully
 completed detox and rehab at Kisima, praise God!!

It was Matthew's turn for stitches. 

Some of our favorite friends came to visit...We love you, Gunter family!!

Sunday School at Rehoboth

International Food Festival at the boys' school...

and Madylanne helps with face painting.

Micah plays with Pendo in the sand.

Ednah has a birthday...happy birthday Ednah!! 

(this was actually the end of November)