Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Yummy yummy

Isn't summer great.  :)

Go Go Madylanne

Madylanne has been enjoying dance classes this summer, can't you tell?

This generation...

Lord, thank You for using THIS generation to praise You and make Your Name known!!! Here is a great shot of Pastor Given with Pierce, who has come to Sesheke to share Jesus three years in a row! We love you both! May God continue to use you to make His Name known!

Raising the Roof

Yeah! Look at all the kids in this picture! When the volunteers from Tabernacle Baptist Church came to Sesheke they took pics of all the things they did with the church during the week- thank you for sharing your pictures guys! Isn't it exciting to see kids learning about Jesus! And also so exciting to see the church has put up rafters for a roof!!!!