Saturday, June 29, 2019

big helpers

Grating cheese for pizza is a family affair around here. :)

Meet Bo Abigail

This is Bo Abigail. She lives next door to us and came over to introduce herself the first day we moved in. She is our language nurturer and helps me around the house, too. What a Godsend! Thank You Lord, for Abigail.

Here we are doing language in the morning....we are reviewing our first 150 words.

having fun with friends

Every afternoon we go outside the gate to the empty lot across the street and play with new friends...and listen to Silozi Bible stories downloaded on my phone. May Your Word penetrate their hearts Lord and draw them to Yourself! 
Thank You Lord for new friends. 

my favorite fellas

life at home

This is our water purifier...I'm hugging it because I am so thankful to the WMU (Women's Missionary Union) for providing it so that we can drink clean water!! We thank God for you, WMU, and for clean drinking water!!
Not sure what kind of beetle this is but it makes the neatest thumping noise on the ground. The kids found this in the yard.  

We made a supply trip to Mongu and found this gem on the outskirts of town- a Cashew shop!! It sells the yummiest cashews home grown in the Western Province. Mmmmm!!!

working on the house

The guys are working really hard on the house- making it livable for us. They put up screens on the windows, made kitchen cabinets, and put up a water tower.  We are so thankful for all their help! 

Happy 12th birthday Madylanne

Madylanne turned 12 our very first day in Senanga on June 4th! What birthday is complete without cake? We love you so much Madylanne and are so very grateful God made you and put you in our family.

Senanga or bust

On the road to Senanga - our supervisors came with us  to Senanga to help us get settled our first week- and brought their kids, which naturally our kids loved loved loved! It was such a blessing to have their help and their company as we were getting settled. 
This is the Sea Frog Lodge- we stayed here our first few days while the house was being worked on. 

Our kids plus the Adair kids, sunset on the Zambezi River in Senanga.

We're in Zambia!

We made it to Zambia 

and the kids are loving special time with other missionary kids that live in Lusaka

We are so thankful for mission family in Lusaka. They loved on us and fed us and invited our kids to play with theirs.  It was wonderful to reconnect with many we knew from the past and we were excited to meet some new missionaries too- some even from Kansas!!!   Here we are together- the Doolittles, the Gunters, and the Wints