Thursday, October 8, 2020

Church hopping

Sharing at our home church, First Southern Baptist Church of El Dorado

Sharing at New Life Baptist Church, Independence

I'm sure you've heard the term church hopping...we are visiting many SBC churches these days to reconnect and share all the good things God is doing in people's lives in Zambia. 

We're thankful for our sending church, FSBC El Dorado, and for the church allowing us to live in their parsonage, FBC Burden. It blesses us tremendously to worship the Lord with you both. We're thankful to FSBC Garden City for transportation! We're thankful for all SBC churches who give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and the Cooperative Program in their churches which allows us not only to be on mission in Africa but also supported while we are in the US for medical care. Thank you!! 

If we haven't hopped to your church yet, be sure to send us an email because we'd love to worship with you and share God's heart for the nations.

Thank You Lord for the gift of family

We are so grateful to be near family right now. We are about an hour away from our parent's and most of our siblings. Lots of cousin fun!! 

 These are family shots of Mark's side. 

Special times with family

We are blessed beyond measure to be close to family right now. 

These are pictures of family shots with Melynda's side. 

What are we doing now?

First Baptist Burden is hosting a Friday Bible Club at the local park in town. It has been a huge blessing to be able to participate in this with them as they reach out to the community around them with the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

Pastor Mike is explaining this cake mix isn't a cake until baked in the oven with the right ingredients. God made the world from nothing- it didn't make itself. 

Arts and crafts time

And then we get to do fun country kinds of things like go fishing at the Pastor's place! 

Brotherly love. 


Birthday Boy

We're so thankful that God created Micah! He turned 6 September 29th. We are thankful for his exuberance for life and his easy going attitude and pray that the Holy Spirit will convict him of his sin and need for Jesus as Savior in the year ahead. 


School Days

 The kids are in an unexpected season of being able to attend public school here in Burden. They love riding the bus everyday and Madylanne is even playing drums in the pep band at home football games! We are really proud of the kids for transitioning to a new routine so well. We're thankful for welcoming schools! Happy 8th grade, 4th grade, and kindergarten, kiddos!! 

Life in Burden, Kansas


We are settling in here in Burden, Kansas at the house that First Baptist Church Burden has made available to us. It is a lovely home in a wonderful community. We are so blessed to be loved on by this church family!!

  and no, we don't have a dog....this is Melynda's mother's pooch Rosie who came to visit with Nana one day. :)