Sunday, July 7, 2019


Madylanne and Matthew are learning how to play a game called Draft from our guard's son, Sianga. He is Madylanne's age and comes into the yard to play sometimes. Draft is a lot like checkers. 

Micah is loving all the tree climbing opportunities and it's certainly more fun with a friend. This is Muyinga. 

Baptist Mission Of Sesheke Church

Here is Pastor Dominic at Baptist Mission of Sesheke Church. We got to visit last Sunday and were so excited to see that his vision has improved a little. Praise God!!  Please keep praying for him as he preaches the Word of God in Sesheke.

You can see the ladies wearing their Baptist Fellowship citenges around their waists. Junior, Pastor Dominic's son, is wearing a tan shirt playing the drums with his friend. Bo Joseph is leading the music. 

We visited Pastor Dominic's house after church. Bo Musenge is on Mark's left- he used to work with us in Sesheke and we loved seeing him too. Then there's Mark, Pastor Dominic, Bo Teresa, Rita, their niece, and Agness with her daughter Charity. The gentleman kneeling on the first row with the kids is a deacon who has joined the church recently. 

Such a blessing to see church family and worship together with them!!