Wednesday, September 8, 2021

First day back to school

Matthew's face says it all...time to go to SCHOOL?? Ha ha 

The boys said they had a really great first day of the new school year. Here Kindergarten is called grade 1, so everything is ahead a year. This means Matthew is in grade 6 and Micah is in grade 2. Have a great year, boys! 

This picture is in the front yard at our new place. 

Birthday surprise

 This is a strawberry birthday very favorite! This was a surprise arranged by Mark and our Team Leader's wife, Melissa. Thank you both! You made my day extra special! 

Kittens are growing

The kittens are growing...they are getting close to 4 weeks old we think. They are SWEET. Even Micah likes holding them now that they are a little bigger. 
They are named Rumble (because he has a big purr in a little body) and Stripe. 


Thank you from Baptist Mission of Sesheke Church

These are barrels full of awesome goodies from First Baptist Church in Burden, Kansas. You guys are the best! Baptist Mission of Sesheke Church in Zambia is so thankful for all the love and useful things you sent them- and hand held devices that can be cranked to charge them and have the Bible in Silozi. 
WOW thank you!!
May God use these things to bring people to Himself and glory to His Name! 


Madylanne goes to school

This is Madylanne's new school. We spent a wonderful day together during orientation.

 Her dorm room---she does have a roommate but she hadn't arrived yet in this photo. They get along beautifully. :) We text daily and talk a few times a far she loves choir, computers, and auditioned for a play (she got a part!). She has new friends that make her laugh when she talks to us. Thankful for her dorm parents and such an amazing, nurturing, supportive Christian environment. She said she is doing well in algebra, too, and whenever she or other students need help, the teacher makes himself available for a study hall after class. Thank You Lord, for all of this. 


On our way to take Madylanne to school we had the opportunity to spend one night in a national game park. We took a game drive- the kids really loved sticking their heads out of the top of the rover! And we had the best views from our back porch...elephants, zebras, giraffes, cape buffalo...mountains...
The creativity and majesty of God displayed in His creation is incredible! 


8th grade graduation

Madylanne and Elias, our team leader's son, celebrated their 8th grade graduation from homeschool recently. We are proud of their hard work and also excited for what God has ahead for both of them. 

A very sweet moment as their father's pray over them. May the Lord bless them 
and keep them and use them for His glory! 


Worshiping in the new church building


This is the new church building for Emmanuel Baptist Church. It is a duplex that has been partially renovated - they knocked out one wall so that there is enough room for everyone. Please pray for EBC to be a light in their community and shine brightly for Jesus. 

The lovely couple below are Michael and Ednah. Michael is the pastor at Emmanuel. Please pray for God to continue using him to preach Biblical truth. He LOVES telling people about Jesus and he is an amazing discipler. Please also pray for Ednah, as she invests in women's lives.