Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Pastor Given turned 20 today, Happy Birthday Given! We had him over for dinner and chocolate birthday cake. You could see his cake much better if my Sprite wasn't in the way. Oh well.  :) We thank God for you, Given! He is finishing up his grade 12 finals and will be done November 19th.

Another special birthday today is my Grandma Gragg's birthday. Happy birthday Grandma Gragg! It made my heart so happy to hear your voice on my computer today. I love you and miss you so much. Thank you for all the wonderful memories we have together and for always praying for me, even from the time I was a child. I love you and cherish you! May God bless you everyday but especially today, your birthday! I love you. :)

1 comment:

  1. Always glad to see your smiling faces on the blog page. Did the children help to blow out the candles on the birthday cake?
