Saturday, January 10, 2015

Jesus is our Anchor

We have great news from the pathology report- even though the masses came back positive for cancer, my margins are clear, which means that all the cancer was removed from my body at the time the masses were taken out. All of the 116 lymph nodes that were removed were also free of cancer.
YEAH!!! We are so very thankful to God for this incredible news!! I stand amazed that God in His mercy allowed this cancer to be caught at this early stage before it got any worse and spread. ALL THANKS to GOD for this miracle!!
Truly we have seen God’s hand of provision over and over and over again throughout this entire journey. And not only did He provide for me, but He has provided for our whole family. He got us to Lusaka where I was able to get some medical treatment for the initial awful pain, He got us to Johannesburg to get a glimpse of the first mass, and He got us to Kansas to get the cancer removed. And He did all of this in about 6 weeks.
We have more medical appointments ahead of us as we wait for a follow up appointment with Dr. Porter on January 23rd. Dr. Porter is the GI Surgeon who performed my surgery. We have lots of questions for him such as what stage was the cancer and what further treatment is he recommending.
Thank you all for standing alongside us in prayer and support. So many of you have emailed with words of encouragement and I can’t thank you enough for this!!
I have been reading in Hebrews lately, one of my favorites, because it talks about how Jesus is our Prophet, our Priest, and our King. And He is an anchor for our soul. My soul has been clinging to Him, who is worthy to be praised whatever the outcome. 
it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul…Hebrews 6:18b-19a
Praying Jesus is your anchor too!!!

1 comment:

  1. It is so-o-o-o good to know that your cancer has not spread. You and your family are in my prayers.
