Monday, April 25, 2022

VBS 2022

My language helper, Mama Tswila, is part of an amazing church which did a fabulous job with a wonderful Vacation Bible School last week. Madylanne and I got to volunteer a bit and wow was it fun! Not just fun though- the kids learned a LOT about Jerusalem at the time Jesus walked on earth. Over 5 days they rotated through stations about the 12 tribes of Israel, the synagogue and what it was, how Jesus came to serve, what He did on the cross and why that is important in addition to making crafts, eating snacks, singing songs, and lots of dancing. What an incredible week! Well done, everyone who had a part in this! Praising God for so many kids hearing the good news about Jesus!! 



  1. Madalynn is getting big! I just remember her as a baby!
