Monday, July 29, 2024

Metropolitan Baptist Church

Metropolitan Baptist Church from Wichita, KS 
came to serve with us in June/July and we are so grateful they came! 

What an amazing week of many different kinds of things....
We visited Salama Care, a home for teenage moms. 
We planted two trees and pray
 that as Tina and these young moms receive care and support, 
they will come to follow Jesus who loves them so. 

We made chipatis together, a gift of love from Ednah and Mike....

The ladies helped host a women's associational 
meeting at Emanuel Baptist Church.

 We did lots of evangelism on the beach, 
and also visited a local votech school on their culture day 
as a follow up to the visit in May. 
Praising God for the new believer!! 
May this be the continuation of what God is doing on this campus. 


  1. I thought I would recognize some faces from Metro, but I didn't. :(

  2. Sounds like an amazing time!
