Monday, July 29, 2024


 These lovely people are the volunteers from QJoy 
who came to serve with us in June. 
You can see Tina, Zena, and Madylanne joined us, too. 
A huge thank you to Tina for all the help
with organizing transportation for the families!!
These amazing volunteers put on a camp day 
for the families from therapy and then a BEACH DAY. 
Many of the families said this was the first time 
their whole families had been to the beach. 
Thank you so much, QJoy and Robby, 
for hosting these events 
and sharing the love of Jesus with these families!!

Two times it started sprinkling on us but the Lord held back the storm...literally. 
So of course we shared the story of Jesus calming the storm.. 
and one Mama said, "Just like He did today!"


  1. Always love the beach pictures - so beautiful!

  2. I love to hear how God is working over there:)
