Sunday, September 8, 2019

Bo Malemba

This sweet Lozi woman is Bo Malemba. She has a tailor shop just a few blocks from our house. She is working on some cushion covers for us. Look at her sewing machine....she turns the wheel by hand. No foot pedals, no electricity. By hand! It makes me happy to watch her sew. She takes pride in her work and enjoys visiting with her customers. Please pray with me that Bo Malemba will come to know Christ as her Savior.


  1. I come to you humbly and ask, if you will, God grant Bo Malemba the strength to continue this wonderful work and gain knowledge of Your eternal love through Your children's ministry. We miss our Brother and Sister and their children. Please keep Your loving hands upon them as they do their missionary work in Your name.

  2. Hello Melynda. Hope you, Mark and the kids are well. Bo Malemba appears to be an upbeat person. Still praying for her. Praying for rain as well. Sandi sends her love also. Careful out there.
