Sunday, September 8, 2019

life in Senanga

Here are some pictures of life in Senanga. Ox carts are the most popular way of transporting goods....this top photo is the man who sells charcoal from his cart on the road in front of our house.

The middle photo- a man carrying goods on the main road through town.

                          This is a common mud and stick house in the Western Province. 
                                                             This one is really nice-
                                                             no holes and a tin roof!!!



  1. I remember, in Italy, when the Africans would pass through town to sell their goods. They were always polite, but I never got a cheaper price than they asked. They were very adament about sending money home and getting what they needed. Nice memories seeing these photos.

  2. A man that works 3rd shift here at my facility knows of Senanga. I guess he has family close to there. Unknown town/village. For some reason, I am sending these responses under unknown sender. My email address does not show. Hopefully you understand. Sandi sends her prayers for you and yours.
